
You haven’t read the topic in depth, haven’t gathered any information or tried to discuss it with those who do understand the topic, but you consider your opinion an undisputable and unchallengable fact, because you think you are “all that” – too smart and too wise to be wrong this time.

You justify your position as having “maturity” and say that when you have a child, everything becomes clearer – that things take on a new meaning, yet with no understanding of the fact that in creating heirs, you need to defend a more equal, fair Society that has no place for any type of incitement to violence.

You can’t wear the mantle of “good” while defending those who hate, with prejudice, intolerance and incitement to violence. It is true of Bolsonaro — who says what people think but don’t have the courage to say aloud — and is true of Trump — who is acclaimed for his truculence and disrespectful attitudes towards those who oppose him — and is true of many religions which espouse aggressive preaching, spitting out their hallelujas and Amen’s.

Maybe your presumption that these profiles are “good” or “necessary” for a painful country like ours stems from the fact they apparently don’t have any verbal ‘filters’ between their brains and their mouths, they look honest and and fearless in saying what they think…. No matter whether it’s related to the rape of a work colleague (as to whether she deserves it), or hitting someone to make a man of them, or shooting someone without thinking twice. Who told you to go out alone? To look sexy-hot? Have you no self-respect?

This is your concept of “good” and “necessary”: your ‘living legend’; the presumption that you are both “right” and “righteous” – you, the father, the mother, the one who has a family. The legacy that you leave this world, the things that you will leave for your child, are built from hate, prejudice, intolerance and violence. Don’t presume that you are good… You had the courage to endorse the worst and now share the blame for the cruelty we are experiencing.

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